Hair Transplant

Thinning Hair and Hair Loss, a Problem of The Past


You may agree that hair loss and hair thinning are among the most common hair problems men and women around the world are facing nowadays. With advanced cosmetic procedures, hair thinning, hair loss, and baldness have become things of past. This article discusses how the latest a PRP treatment Dubai can fix these issue with creating care.

If you are a victim of hair loss, hair thinning, and baldness, this topic is for you.


PRP Therapy for Hair Loss

It comes as no surprise that men and women around the world are facing hair loss and hair thinning are two common problems nowadays. People use various home remedies to get rid of this issue but such methods often do not deliver and people end up losing a large number of hairs.

One of the latest options to trigger hair growth is platelet-rich plasma therapy or PRP therapy. Here, PRP is extracted from the person’s blood and injected into the scalp that leads to significant hair regrowth. This remarkable treatment targets the root causes of hair loss and hair thinning without impunity.

It is a minimally invasive treatment with no major side effects or health risks. Above all, no foreign liquid is injected into the body. The growth factors obtained from the same person’s blood go into the scalp.


PRP Therapy Silently Triggers Hair Growth

You may think about how this simple and short treatment can trigger the hair regrowth. Please note this simple treatment is quite effective and has always delivered to those who try it. It takes a short time to perform this treatment and the can continue routine activities after having it.

The platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and platelet-poor plasma (PPP) applied/injected to/into the scalp has various growth and healing component that enhance the ability of the scalp to grow more hair. For hair loss and hair thinning victims, this option always delivers positive outcomes.


If you are a victim of hair thinning or hair loss, you should try PRP treatment in Dubai.

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