Hair Transplant

Diffuse Patterned Alopecia (DPA) Causes and Treatments


Diffuse pattern hair loss refers to the hair loss condition that is characterized by the diffuse thinning all over the scalp. Occurring in both men and women, this is the second most common type of hair loss after Androgenic Alopecia. It is not the hair loss that is defined by the Norwood scalp as the hair loss occurs in a different fashion. The good news is the patients suffering from Androgenic alopecia are now able to avail the treatment that helps them get back the hair density they used to have. At hair transplant Dubai clinic, we can prepare a treatment according to your particular needs.

Causes for Diffuse pattern hair loss

Just like the male and female pattern hair loss, diffuse pattern hair loss is also a hereditary condition that usually transfers from parents to their offspring. It is caused by the excessive amount of Dihydrotestosterone level in the body. Recent studies indicate that when the DHT level in the body rises, the hair becomes thin, this occurs due to the Dihydrotestosterone attacks the hair follicles and makes them weak. Apart from these, there can be many other factors that can induce diffuse pattern hair loss such as nutritional deficiency, hormonal imbalance, and bad hair care routine.

Treating diffuse pattern hair loss

Although Hair transplant is widely considered as the top remedy for most of the hair loss and hair thinning case, it might not work in this case. Because in DPA, it is difficult to find out the potential hair follicles for transplantation. However, not everyone suffering from DPA is a bad candidate for hair transplant and you can know better about your candidacy by just visiting the nearby certified hair loss expert. But if you are not a suitable candidate for hair transplant, don’t worry as there are some other non-invasive remedies as well that makes sure to help you get back a good number of hairs back.


Despite some serious side effects associated with the use of these medicines, a lot of people still refer them to many of the hair loss and hair thinning issues. Top medical products such as Minoxidil, Finasteride and Propecia are effective in restoring a good amount of hair follicle back on your head. However, a long-term usage is not recommended as the side effects can get severe with time.

Non-surgical therapies

Diffuse pattern hair loss patients who are not good candidates for hair transplant can opt for the non-surgical options that induce no side effects and minimal discomfort.

PR therapy

Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a non-surgical solution for hair loss and hair thinning issues that is viable for both men and women in different hair loss conditions. It includes the administration of blood plasma injection into the scalp that nourishes the scalp with sufficient growth factors, enhancing hair growth.

If you’re interested in overcome your hair thinning problems and looking for the best remedies, then the first step is to consult a nearby hair loss specialist. You can book a free consultation at hair transplant Dubai clinic by just filling an online form.


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